Thursday, April 30, 2009

New Stuff

Wixi - the P2P Virtual Desktop

  • Written by soulxtc

Share and stream content with family friends using a virtual social networking desktop.

Wixi is an interesting new “Online Media Center” that allows you to store and stream audio and video files from anywhere, including the living room TV and iPhone.

It has a simple, easy to use desktop-like interface that you upload content to, and which you then share access with family or friends. It offers unlimited storage space so one could theoretically upload a good sized movie or music collection and then browse on the go or in the comfort of the living room sofa.


The social networking aspect is particularly cool because you can stream a movie or song recommended by a friend, or simply check out a stack a pics they’ve recently taken.

And “Friends Activity Report” is how you keep up with those you add to your trusted network.


An additional feature worth mentioning is that it has an XBMC plugin so you can use your Wixi page on a game console of your choosing.

The only downside is that it’s a subscription service with packages ranging from $7.95 p/mo to $69.95 annually.

All in all I like the Wixi concept. With all the digital content literally floating around these days sites like Wixi provide an essential store and share option that’s yet to be adequately addressed.

Here’s a demo video that gives you a better feel for what Wixi’s all about…

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